Monday, August 30, 2010

Checkin' in...!

Wow! The summer had passed already and I'm not going back to school! I promise I did not fall off of the face of the earth, rather these past few months I had went through some tough adjustments. However I'm constantly having ideas brewing. I've been working on some odds and ends drawing just out of enjoyment before I soon kick things into gear! This is an old drawing that I decided to throw some skin tone on.
That'll probably be as far as that goes for recently I had the pleasure of attending the Baltimore Comic Con with my good friends at Rough Sketch Studios and I am just truly inspired!! The spirit and the passion felt in that place was phenomenal and I can't wait to get back on board with my kid's book dreams. I have big big plans for the upcoming year!
The Con was definitely the trip that I needed .. excited to get everything going! I'll be sure to keep ya posted on what I'm up to!

Until then!
